
NOTAS: Patience: A Guide to Shantideva's Sixth Chapter


1.Charity (dana)

2.Morality (shila)

3.Patience (kshanti)

4.Perseverance (virya)

5.Concentration (dhyana)

6.Wisdom (prajna)”


“The nature of patience is keeping the mind in virtue whenever we encounter disturbance and harm. We, of course, could endure these with a nonvirtuous mind as well, which is why the distinction is made.”


“Patience and wisdom together are the best cure for the delusions that are causing us suffering now.”


“Our expectations disturb our mind, not the person outside.”


“Why Be Unhappy?

10 If there is a solution,

what good is discontent?

If there is no solution,

what good is it anyway?”


“Death exists. That is why it happens.” We can’t experience something that does not exist, whereas because death exists, we must experience it.”


“Resting the mind in patience is the real break.”


“If we have the concept of an enemy, we see an enemy; if we don’t have the concept of an enemy, we don’t see an enemy, no matter how others treat us.”


“The great yogi Naropa said that when we are sick, the concept is sick; when we are born, the concept is born; and even when we die, the concept is dying. Everything is a concept.”


“To step on a thorn and blame the thorn is ridiculous. The thorn is just an external condition, a catalyst for our suffering. The real cause is that we did not see the thorn, due to our lack of awareness and ignorance. All the sufferings of samsara have external conditions and internal causes, but we compound the suffering by not being aware of this and thus blaming and getting angry at the condition rather than the cause.”


Condiciones externas y causas internas.


“Nothing exists ultimately, but because everything is a dependent arising, everything exists conventionally, existing in dependence on causes and conditions.”


“the insect is just the instrument.”


“We don’t receive help now because we didn’t offer help in the past; we are poor now because we weren’t generous in the past. Until we turn our habitual attitudes around, our problems will continue.”


“To have perfect surroundings, perfect conditions, and perfect friends, we need to create the causes. It all depends on having a good heart, and then happiness comes naturally.”


“Because there is no cause of anger, anger can never arise.”


“Rather than feel aversion for any problems we face, we see them as a means to get rid of our negative karma and accumulate positive karma, and so they are a source of all our happiness. In short, we transform suffering into happiness.”


“The most beneficial praise we can give, in terms of developing our mind, is to praise somebody we consider an enemy. This is because the enemy is somebody who opposes our self-cherishing, and so by praising them we are going against the desires of our self-cherishing.”


“When we have a problem, it seems like nothing else matters. Living like this is a very sad life.”


“As Shantideva said, no matter how angry a king or ruler might be, no matter what they do to us, even having us executed, they don’t have the power to send us to the lower realms. An atomic bomb can explode, but it cannot send us to the lower realms. A deadly poison can kill us, but it cannot send us to the lower realms. Only our negative, self-cherishing mind can do that.”


… “we must understand what Shantideva said: everything becomes easier with acquaintance.”


… “it is very important when we get up each morning to make the strong determination to practice patience.”


“Reading the Dharma is always good, but we must make use of any Dharma advice we receive, not just leave it as an intellectual idea.”


Domingo, 5 septiembre 2021
