
NOTAS: The Life of Tilopa & The Ganges Mahamudra


The Root Text

Ganges Mahamudra

Cut through the bonds ofattachment and aversion toward those around you and your surroundings. Meditate in isolated retreats, forests, and so forth, living alone. Remain in that state without meditation. When you attain that which is without attainment, you have attained Mahamudra.

Nota: claro, la idea de ver las olas en el mar y los pensamientos en la mente, es ver que las olas son parte del mar y que los pensamientos son parte de la mente y tanto el mar como la mente son vacíos y extensos y profundos e infinitos. Esto tendrá que ver con lo que dice Fritoj de esas “partículas elementales” que surgen y dejan de surgir del vacío (telaraña cósmica) y que son multidimensionales, porque son tridimensionales y también temporales, no son algo que se pueden “separar”. Mierda.

There is a song of Milarepa that is found in The Rain of Wisdom, a song of instructions given to Nima Paldenpo. This song consists of five images of which one is appropriate here. Milarepa said, 

"Look at the depths of the ocean and meditate without waves. Look at the mind, and meditate without thought." 

In response Nima Paldenpo asked Milarepa, "Well, I can look at the ocean, but what do I do with all chose waves? I can look ar my mind, but what do I do with all those thoughts?" This means that she can look at the mind, nevertheless she is disturbed by the thoughts arising within it. Milarepa's response was, "Well, if you can meditate on the ocean, chen you can experience rhat the waves which arise on the ocean's surface are merely the expression of the ocean itself. If you can meditate on the mind, then rhe thoughts which arise are nothing other than the mind's expressions."
