
NOTAS: Taking the Leap


“Moment by moment we can choose to go toward further clarity and happiness or toward confusion and pain.”


“Taking the leap involves making a commitment to ourselves and to the earth itself—making a commitment to let go of old grudges, to not avoid people and situations and emotions that make us feel uneasy, to not cling to our fears, our closedmindedness, our hard-heartedness, our hesitation.”


“We all have the natural ability to interrupt old habits.”


“All of us know how healing it is to be kind, how transformative it is to love, what a relief it is to have old grudges drop away. ”


“These qualities are natural intelligence, natural warmth, and natural openness.”


“You just stop for a few seconds, breathe deeply, and move on. You don’t want to make it into a project. Chögyam Trungpa used to refer to this as the gap. You pause and allow there to be a gap in whatever you’re doing.”


“When we do that, we allow some space to contact the natural openness of our mind and let our natural intelligence emerge. ”


“As Chögyam Trungpa put it, “Sanity is permanent, neurosis is temporary.”


“pleasure seeking, numbing out, and using aggression: we either zone out, or we grasp.”


“This running away from all that is unpleasant, this continual cycle of avoiding the present, is referred to as self-absorption, self-clinging, or ego.”


“We think that facing our demons is reliving some traumatic event or discovering for sure that we’re worthless. But, in fact, it is just abiding with the uneasy, disquieting sensation of nowhere-to-run and finding that—guess what?—we don’t die; we don’t collapse. In fact, we feel profound relief and freedom.”


“Confusion only begins when we can’t abide with the intensity of the energy and therefore spin off.”


“Abiding with our own energy is the ultimate nonaggression, the ultimate maitri.”
